7ero H3LL

CRank: 5Score: 25570

I know it's stupid for Microsoft to even have these problems under its name, for they've been proven to be a company of quality. I think it just breaks down to what they probably had to compromise in order to get a year's lead on the competition. I for one have only 1 Xbox 360 and have had it since )05/06.

So that's a year and 3 months that I've been a satisifed customer. But this is a gaming community and those gamers who aren't satisfied cannot be silenced. I say rise up and be ...

6177d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

His job is at stake(this guy is a movie Critic NOT a game Critic)Games like MGS and FF are games that attract a ceratin amount of people.Although most games engenders hate and violence.Ebert is not in to blood and gore.FF has no blood but it still has violence.and MGS implements politicks.

6178d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the best looking in terms of graphics, but it scores high in my book, at least 8.5-9.0 in that aspect. I guess they might have had to trade off some detail in order to achieve such a high presicion in car handling physics. Like I said, TVR Sagaris handles WAY different in Forza2 as opposed to PGR3.

6179d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

if you read on forza 2's dev info, they said that they needed to have the physics engine run at 360fps, so that for every frame of video sent to the screen, there are four "frames" of physics fidelity or samples if you will, creating control that is just unmatched. I have Pgr3 and it controls great, but taking on the TVR Sagaris in eithet title doesn't add up to the same results, with Forza2 being the definative experience.

I've been playing racing sims since Gran Tur...

6179d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

RPG does not mean the maine star fights with a sword,this game has elements,discission making,exploration,and a "M" rating witch means "other stuff":)

6179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but we have to examine future strides as well. The new stuff that comes out will alwasy sport a few more bells whistles BFGs, whatever.

6181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not just take your best and pit them against each other. Release dates, dev time (how many months/years) and all that. Those are key factors. For instance, a game like MGS4 if released in Q1 2k8 would have a total dev of almost 3 years. Mass effect on the other hand sports MUCH imporved graphics, sound whatnot and was in dev for less than 2.5 years. In fact, it's ready NOW! The key to note is what kind of strides are developers realy making. If one dev is taking longer to make a game than oth...

6181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

3rd person versus 1st person doesn't make for good comparison, but i think i have a more definative set of comparisons here:

Gears to Resistance (since they were in the same time frame)
Halo3 to Unreal3 (since they come out a couple months from each other)
GRAW2 to COD4 (now that COD has become "modern warfare")
Too Human to Killzone2 (these are furthest away from release)

6181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

nice attatchment itachi! but even i, a 360 gamer feel affended by the middle! dude, let's tone it down:)

still very funny...can't stop laughing

6183d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

pre-alpha means it hasn't even left your head! (its still concept)
alpha means its a tech demo (usually saved in a media format for better performance)
beta means bending to consumer demand for a tidbit sized playable compilation of nearly finalized code (like a playable e3 demo)

BOTH halo and killzone are betas, ones just further down the pipe than the other. in other words, halo is almost final (think beta at 90%) and killzone is in production (beta at maybe 45-...

6183d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

both games LOOK HELA GREAT! this is gonna be one gaming phenom when the real games out

6183d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's not right either, since Halo3 comes out this year, it doesn't tred on KZ2's success later when it relases. And Gears isn't any good either, since that took on Resistance (and won!) back last year.

By the way, didn't you Sony fanboys complain that all the 360 is gonna get are FPSs? Well, what do think Kill.Zone 2 is? Flippin hipocrits! And ya know what...Gears isn't even an FPS!

6183d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

well wouldn't YOU like to be in the thick of the business, holding the only visible curtain cloaking your every desicion as you try to keep the media at bay AND satisfy consumers? He's done a great job...and probably has a nicer house than you do! And more money too! If he's made his living in this harsh world, than yes...that is success!

6183d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

media hungry. If this will make anyone think differently, examine this prospect: Microsoft has been consistantly pumping out great hits on its console this year, and last. And there's only one game that truly delivers on the promise of "infinitely expanding gaming experiences" and that's Mass Effect, a game done on last gen disc technology. It's not the disc capacity, its how you use it. A 50Gb Blu-ray doesn't really promise infinte, because it has a wall too!

And to...

6183d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's not realy professional to project minor events such these two people's cases as a forecast to what may happen in the future, unless they are REALLY tied to the push and pull of the business. Moore was the guy who spoke to us when we asked, but his power what not in the decision making aspect of the company. And Microsoft will always work to make these decisions based on consumer demand, and not just company interests. Give the man credit, as he has successfully been at the top ranks of t...

6183d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

with kindergarten name calling. Sad...truly!

6183d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Moore is just another guy to fill a position. He worked at MS now he works at EA, so what big deal! Many of us out there probably have held more than 1 job, so what's the hoopla all about. Losing a "public" figure is always a little deeper than the surface of the situation, but as far as stocks plummeting company loses etc, I think that's just unwaranted bull. Let's see, did Mic D's REALY crash after they fired all of you Sony fanboys? Nope.

6183d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If FFXIII wasn't at e3 that mite mean that they as well had problems getting a demo working.

6184d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'M really sure this one is over there head. :(

6184d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am looking at it right now. plus Its taking about E3 where pass that now?

6184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment